S.H.I.E.L.D?: As you can see from the screenshot above, this theme is based on the SHIELD operating system that's seen in the Avengers movie. It's also designed to give it the J.A.R.V.I.S hud feel making it a personalized design for all Iron Man/Tony Stark fans.
What to expect: This theme will change the way your desktop and shortcuts function. It'll make everything running applications and multi-tasking more efficient. Of course, all this as a bonus to a slick look.
A Word of Caution: This method is fairly simple, takes about 15-30 minutes to set up and can be considered mid-level desktop customization. However it is advised you follow my instructions carefully.
Background: Let's start by getting the great wallpaper (Download Wallpaper) put together by edreyes. Just save the image and set is as your background.
Rainmeter: Next thing you need to do is get Rainmeter, the perfect customization tool. Download and install it. Make sure you choose the 'run on startup' option during installation.
Once you've installed it and have it running you should have several default illustro skins showing up on your desktop.
The default rainmeter skin (illustro) with our custom wallpaper.

S.H.I.E.L.D OS skin by Daelnz:
This will be the base skin around which we'll build our theme. Download the skin and you'll have a .rmskin file. Run it and hit install. After installation, go to your desktop and right click on any of the skins and do the following on the menu that pops up.
Rainmeter -> Themes -> S.H.I.E.L.D. OS

Right click -> Rainmeter -> Themes -> Shield OS
Once you select S.H.I.E.L.D OS, you'll have something like this.

The easy part is over. Now it's only a matter of editing things to your preference. For starters, if you right click on any skin, you'll have an option called Avengers in the menu. The sub-options in this menu, control toggling on and off of all the skins.

Right click on a skin -> Avengers -> Toggle skins.
There are 5 main editable parts to this skin.
1. Large Launchers.
2. Small Launchers.
3. Folder Launchers.
4. Webpage Launchers.
5. Music Player.
=>To change what the launchers open or what music player you are using, you need a file called 'config.inc'. The file is found in the Documents/Rainmeter/Skins/Avengers folder. A path similar to this, C:\Users\username\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Avengers. Open the file with notepad.
=>Once opened, you'll find several variables defining the name, path and icon used for each launcher. You must edit them as needed. Change the paths, names or icons of the launchers with programs that you use. You can change the icons by using the path of image you wish to use as the icon.
=>The same is done for the small launchers, folder launchers and webpage launchers.
=>To edit the music player, go to the bottom of the notepad to find an option for player. Change it to itunes for itunes, wmp for Windows Media Player and winamp for Winamp.
Once you've changed all paths and applications as you need, you can move around the skins as you like.

All set and ready to launch
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